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发布时间:2018-03-25 10:26

  本文选题:内蒙古 切入点:农村小康建设 出处:《内蒙古农业大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:In the report of the 16th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in 2002, the strategic goal of building a well-off society in an all-round way was put forward for the first time. With the rapid development of the well-off society in the city, the gap between the level of the development of the well-off society in urban and rural areas is increasing, and the goal of building a well-off society in an all-round way can be achieved by encouraging those provinces and cities with the ability to do so. Therefore, more and more attention has been paid to the development level of the well-off society in rural areas. Inner Mongolia is located in the northern frontier of China. The construction of a well-off society in the rural areas is directly related to the overall level of the construction of a well-off society in our country. The economic development rate of Inner Mongolia ranks among the top in the country. While the rapid economic development, will the development of rural areas become a short board for the construction of a well-off society in the whole region, This is the key point and key of the research and analysis of this paper. Firstly, this study combs and summarizes the existing literature on the evaluation of the level of well-off development in rural areas, and according to the index standard of the well-off society given by the country, Through adjusting and combining with the actual situation in Inner Mongolia to formulate the evaluation standard of well-off society in accordance with the actual situation in Inner Mongolia, mainly including four dimensions of economic development, quality of life, social development and resources and environment, and through mathematical analysis, In addition, this paper uses principal component analysis to measure and compare the development level of well-off society in the rural areas of 12 Inner Mongolia cities. Then cluster analysis is carried out according to the development level of well-off society in the rural areas of 12 League cities. The results show that the well-off society in Inner Mongolia rural areas in 2011-2015 showed a stable development trend and economy. There is still a big gap between the resources and environment and the well-off level, but the gap between the quality of rural life, the social development and the well-off level is relatively small. In addition, based on the analysis of the development level of the well-off society in the rural areas of 12 League cities, To find out two development modes of rural well-off society, namely "Wuhai Model" and "Bayannur Model", is of great reference value to the construction of rural well-off society in other cities.


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