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发布时间:2018-04-17 21:52

  本文选题:数学学习困难 + 表现特征 ; 参考:《华东师范大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:In this study, a 5-year-old child with mathematics learning disabilities was used as the research object. Using qualitative research methods, the following three questions: 1) what was the performance of children with early mathematics learning difficulties were discussed.What is the most important defect in the development of mathematics ability of children with mathematics learning difficulties? (2) what are the possible factors that cause children's early learning difficulties in mathematics? how to do this can help children with mathematics learning difficulties effectively.In this study, the data were collected by means of observation and interview, and the behavior of children with mathematics learning disabilities was tracked for four months, and the life history and learning history of the children were excavated from teachers and parents.A qualitative analysis method, situational analysis and generic analysis, was used to analyze the data.The results showed that in mathematics learning activities, the early learning difficulties of children showed the behavior pattern of "blankness-imitation-mechanical operation-rush to achieve".The most important defect in the development of mathematics cognition is the defect in the development of mathematical skills. (2) the children with early learning difficulties in mathematics are facing multiple difficulties from their own, social and cultural environments.The lag in the development of general cognitive ability directly leads to children's mathematics learning difficulties, personality characteristics, poor learning quality, poor peer interaction, parent-child interaction.The interaction between teachers and children as well as unfavorable social and cultural environment factors indirectly hinder the normal development of children's mathematical ability, resulting in their mathematics ability lagging behind the children of the same age. The appropriate educational measures for children with mathematical learning difficulties are:In kindergarten, we design individualized game scheme, and create "informal" mathematics learning environment for them in the family.The most important measure is to use effective interactive strategies to help children with mathematical learning difficulties to construct an understanding of the practical meaning of mathematical concepts.


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