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发布时间:2024-03-17 16:21
  2013年诺贝尔文学奖获得者,加拿大女作家艾丽丝·门罗(Alice Munro,1931-)被誉为“现当代短篇小说大师”。她的笔下演绎着的多是城郊小镇平凡女子的平凡生活的画面,故事背景大多为乡间小镇及其邻里。这种看似平白朴实,细腻优雅的文字却正好能够描绘出隐蔽于生活各个角落的细微之事,也更能令人感同身受,引起共鸣。《逃离》是其2004年出版的一部短篇小说集,收录了八篇作品,讲诉了不同年龄阶段的女人“逃离”的经历,于2009年获布克国际奖。德勒兹和加塔里哲学思想的核心在于他们希望借助逃逸线来帮助个人摆脱资本的束缚。他们创造了许多条不同的逃逸线,本文主要利用其中五条,即去脸面性,解辖域化,生成,形成无器官身体和重复来分别解读《逃离》中的五个短篇小说。《逃离》中卡拉因为在经济和情感上对克拉克过于依赖,没能实现解辖域化,致使其逃离失败;《机缘》中朱丽叶因为学术不精,过度沉溺于情爱,成为自己生成对象物的受害者,一步步走向深渊;《激情》中格蕾斯因为情感超越了理智,受制于白墙规制,蛰伏于黑洞中,没能成功去除脸面性;《匆匆》中朱丽叶因为错误的欲望观,精神器官去功能化,没有正确的价值判断,成为枯干的无器...

【文章页数】:51 页


Chapter One Introduction
    1.1 Alice Munro and Runaway
    1.2 Deleuze
    1.3 Significance of the Thesis
    1.4 Layout of the Thesis
Chapter Two Literature Review
    2.1 Studies on Runaway Abroad
    2.2 Studies on Runaway at Home
    2.3 Studies on Deleuze’s Thoughts Abroad
    2.4 Studies on Deleuze’s Thoughts at Home
Chapter Three Lines of Flight
    3.1 Dismantling the Face
    3.2 Deterritorialization
    3.3 Becomings
    3.4 Body without Organs (Bw O)
    3.5 Repetition
Chapter Four Application of Lines of Flight to the Study of Runaway
    4.1 Interpretation of Runaway from the Perspective of Deterritorialization
        4.1.1 Plot of Runaway
        4.1.2 Deterritorialization of Carla
        4.1.3 Reasons Why Carla Fails in Deterritorialization
    4.2 Interpretation of Chance from the Perspective of Becoming
        4.2.1 Plot of Chance
        4.2.2 Becomings of Juliet
        4.2.3 Reasons Why Juliet Fails in Becoming
    4.3 Interpretation of Passion from the Perspective of Dismantling the Face
        4.3.1 Plot of Passion
        4.3.2 Dismantling the Face of Grace
        4.3.3 Reasons Why Grace Fails in Dismantling the Face
    4.4 Interpretation of Soon from the Perspective of Bw O
        4.4.1 Plot of Soon
        4.4.2 Bw O of Juliet
        4.4.3 Reasons Why Juliet Fails in Forming Full Bw O
    4.5 Interpretation of Tricks from the Perspective of Repetition
        4.5.1 Plot of Tricks
        4.5.2 Repetition of Robin
        4.5.3 Reasons Why Robin Fails in Repetition
Chapter Five Conclusion
    5.1 Summary of This Study
    5.2 Limitations of the Study and Suggestions for Future Work
附录1 攻读硕士学位期间发表的论文
附录2 攻读硕士学位期间参加的科研项目




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