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发布时间:2019-01-26 14:34
【摘要】:正 中国音乐学院在今年上半年举办了首届学术论文评奖活动,收到论文26篇,其中作曲系1篇,声乐系1篇,器乐系2篇,音乐教育系5篇,音乐学系16篇,音研所1篇。5月下旬进行了评选并由李西安院长主持了颁奖大会。评选结果,研究生组3名获
[Abstract]:In the first half of this year, the Chinese Conservatory of Music held its first academic paper awards, and received 26 papers, including one in composition department, one in vocal music department, two in instrumental music department, five in music education department and 16 in musicology department. Audio Institute of 1. In late May the selection and by President Li Xi'an presided over the award ceremony. Three graduate students were awarded the results


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3 柯言;;《李重光先生八十华诞暨学术研讨会》在京举行[J];中国音乐;2010年01期

4 解tB;;天道酬勤 厚德载物——记中国音乐学院作曲系主任王宁[J];音乐生活;2009年11期

5 青衣;搜索现代音乐——记中国音乐学院作曲系现代音乐作品音乐会[J];人民音乐;2004年10期

6 一风;唐琵琶谱译解讨论会在京举行[J];人民音乐;1982年11期

7 刘s,




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