Larix gmelinii Betula platyphylla Mixed stands Growth Yield

发布时间:2016-09-19 13:18



Comparison of the Growth and Biomass Production of Monoculture and Mixed Stands of Lar/x gmelinii and Betu- la platyphylla

[1] [2] [3] [4]

Xia Chengcai, Liu Zhongling, Wang Qingcheng, Li Kailong ( State Key Laboratory of Tree Genetics and Breeding (Northeast Forestry University), Harbin 150040, P. R. China)



AbstrA survey was conducted to study the growth and biomass production of monoculture and mixed stands of Larix gmelinii and Betu:la platyphylla in Jiagedaqi Forestry Bureau. An obvious increase in stand volume production was found in the mixed stand with planted L. gmelinii and naturally originated B. platyphylla compared with the monoculture stands. Better growth performances of L. gmelinii and B. platyphylla were observed in the mixed stand, with increases of 15.1% , 8.0% and ll. 5% in average tree height, diameter at breast height and stem volume for L. gmelinii, and 20.5%, 2.3% and 15.8% for B. platyphylla, respectively. The total stand volume of the mixed stand was 14.7% and 12.3% higher than that of L. gmelinii and B. platyphylla monocuhure stands, respectively. The biomass values of the whole stand, canopy trees, trunk, branch and foliage in the mixed stand were significantly higher than those in the monoculture stands.


Keyword::Larix gmelinii Betula platyphylla Mixed stands Growth Yield Biomass production


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