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发布时间:2018-05-17 14:01

  本文选题:农业产业化龙头企业 + 自主创新 ; 参考:《黑龙江八一农垦大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Heilongjiang Province is the backbone and pillar of agriculture in our country. It is not only the leader of domestic agriculture, but also the backbone force to guide our agriculture to maturity and success. However, today's scientific research innovation controls the lifeblood of enterprises' survival and growth, and scientific research and technological innovation is also the key factor to improve the competitiveness of our province. Although only a few enterprises in our province have made some achievements in technology, R & D and innovation at present, from the perspective of most enterprises, The leading enterprises of agricultural industrialization in Heilongjiang Province showed many defects and problems in the initial and developing process of technological scientific research and innovation. It is obvious that these enterprises have delayed the efficiency and rate of technological innovation of the whole agricultural industrialization enterprises in our province, thus hindering the improvement of the management level of agricultural industrialization in our province. Therefore, it is necessary to find out as soon as possible a strategy to improve the efficiency of independent innovation of Heilongjiang agricultural industrialization leading enterprises, and make corresponding contributions to the rapid development of Heilongjiang province agricultural industrialization leading enterprises. This paper points out the situation of independent innovation in the development of enterprises in our province and the common problems in the process of R & D innovation. Secondly, the paper makes a systematic analysis of the efficiency of independent innovation of enterprises in our province by using DEA. It is concluded that the efficiency of independent innovation of enterprises can be divided into three types: increasing, decreasing and not changing, and on this basis, the relevant countermeasures are given for the leading enterprises of Heilongjiang agricultural industrialization to improve the efficiency of independent innovation.


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