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发布时间:2018-05-17 08:53

  本文选题:乡镇林业站 + 服务型政府 ; 参考:《北京林业大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The Party's 18 th National Congress raised the construction of ecological civilization to a new strategic height. Forestry is undertaking the primary task in the construction of ecological civilization. At the national level, the construction of ecological civilization and the development of forestry policy orientation, ultimately by the government representatives at the grass-roots level, forestry management system of the most terminal township forestry station to implement, township forestry station function is particularly important. According to the information and data obtained by field investigation, combined with the relevant literature of township forestry station, this paper, based on the theory of service-oriented government, grasps the farmers' demand for the function of township forestry station and the present situation of the function of township forestry station. Government function optimization theory and governance theory framework, relying on the multi-win-win function optimization, combination of internal and external factors, adaptability and innovative principles, put forward the township forestry station function optimization approach, that is, optimize the function structure, strengthen the service function. Strengthen the construction of organizations, straighten out the management system and explore new forms of grass-roots governance. At the same time, drawing lessons from the advanced theory and practical experience of foreign terminal forest management, a new mode of grass-roots forestry management in our country is put forward innovatively. The new management model, which is characterized by participatory, scientific, effective and fair, can optimize the function of township forestry station through the reform and innovation of governance structure. Unimpeded service to forest farmers "last kilometer".


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