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发布时间:2018-03-19 18:24

  本文选题:国有银行 切入点:信贷业务 出处:《内蒙古农业大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:With the arrival of the "Internet" era, the rapid development of Internet finance, the financial market competition is becoming more and more fierce, although the commercial bank business development ushered in unprecedented opportunities, but the traditional banking business is experiencing unprecedented challenges. Especially for state-owned commercial banks, Internet finance is bound to impact on the pattern of financial oligopoly dominated by state-owned banks to some extent. In recent years, the economic development of our country has slowed down, in order to cope with the downward pressure on the economy, The central bank has repeatedly reduced the reserve rate of financial institutions in order to increase lending and support the development of the real economy. However, the interest rate marketization proposed by the central bank has narrowed the margin of interest rates and income margins of banks. Some enterprises are under downward pressure from the economic downturn. The decline in the ability to repay loans further increases the credit risk of the banks. The state-owned banks play an important role in the economic development of our country. Whether they can run and develop steadily or not is directly related to the stability of the economic and financial order of our country. Credit risk is the main factor affecting the steady development of state-owned banks. Therefore, avoiding credit risk and enhancing profitability are the most important issues for state-owned banks to pay attention to at present. Internal credit control is the first barrier to prevent credit risks. For state-owned banks, the most important task to be solved is how to establish an effective internal credit control system, prevent credit risks and ensure the security of credit funds. It is an important task for the state-owned banks to correctly understand the problems and defects of the credit internal control system and take active measures to establish and perfect the scientific and reasonable credit internal control system. This paper takes a provincial branch of the state-owned commercial bank as an example. Introduce and analyze its credit business situation in detail, including the operation of the branch, credit quality, internal control system of credit business and its credit internal control process, etc. Go deep into M branch, use field investigation, interview relevant personnel, etc. This paper analyzes the credit internal control system of the branch in depth, and finds that the credit internal control of the branch has defects in many links. This paper starts from the five elements of internal control. Finally, according to the existing problems and reasons of the branch, combined with the development needs of a branch of M state-owned bank and its own characteristics, this paper analyzes the specific reasons leading to the defects in the internal control of credit in this branch. The paper puts forward the measures to optimize the internal control of credit. It is hoped that through the research of this paper, the internal control of credit business of this branch can be improved day by day, so that it can guard against the potential credit risk in a more timely and effective manner. And provides the reference for the state-owned commercial bank credit internal control design and the execution sound and the coordination.


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