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发布时间:2018-01-06 05:05

  本文关键词:上海大型商用飞机产业发展的瓶颈分析及对策研究 出处:《上海工程技术大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 大型商用飞机 产业发展 自主创新 政策建议

[Abstract]:The large-scale commercial aircraft industry is a strategic emerging industry in China. In 2007, the large-scale commercial aircraft manufacturing project was set up in Shanghai, which accelerated the development of Shanghai large-scale commercial aircraft industry. It is of great strategic significance to promote the transformation of the mode of economic development and the optimization and upgrading of industrial structure in Shanghai. However, the large-scale commercial aircraft industry in Shanghai has just started and has not yet formed a complete industrial chain. There are still many key technology bottlenecks, the industrial independent innovation capacity is insufficient, the lack of effective industrial independent innovation system. Therefore, in-depth research on the bottleneck of the development of large-scale commercial aircraft industry in Shanghai. It is an important theoretical and practical problem to reveal the main obstacles of industrial development and put forward effective strategies and suggestions to promote industrial development. This paper takes the development strategy of large commercial aircraft industry in Shanghai as the research object. This paper analyzes the bottleneck of industrial development and optimization strategy from five aspects by using various analytical methods. Firstly, the development process of Shanghai large-scale commercial aircraft industry is reviewed, and the characteristics of Shanghai large-scale commercial aircraft industry are analyzed. Using the SWOT analysis model, the advantages, disadvantages, opportunities, threats and so on of the development of Shanghai large-scale commercial aircraft industry are analyzed in detail, and the SWOT matrix of the development of Shanghai large-scale commercial aircraft industry is constructed. Secondly. Using the theory of industrial chain and value chain, this paper analyzes the position of Shanghai large-scale commercial aircraft industry in the global large-scale commercial aircraft industry value chain, and draws the composition map of Shanghai large-scale commercial aircraft industry chain. Third. This paper evaluates and analyzes the present situation of independent innovation ability of Shanghai commercial aircraft industry by using patent map research method. Using the explanatory structure model to analyze the relationship between the independent innovation factors of Shanghai commercial aircraft industry, and using the analytic hierarchy process to analyze the weight of the above factors. The innovation system model of Shanghai large-scale commercial aircraft industry is constructed, and the strategic focus of optimizing Shanghai large-scale commercial aircraft industry is revealed. 4th, and the successful experiences of foreign countries in developing large-scale commercial aircraft industry are summarized. As well as the corresponding enlightenment to the development of this industry in China. 5th, on the basis of the above research, the paper puts forward the upgrading strategy to promote the development of Shanghai large-scale commercial aircraft industry. It is to improve the independent innovation ability of enterprises through international cooperation and to construct the national industrial value chain. The policy suggestion of optimizing the large commercial aircraft industry in Shanghai is put forward.


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