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发布时间:2018-01-06 03:08

  本文关键词:工业遗产背景下创意产业园外围护墙体再利用策略研究 出处:《北京建筑大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 工业遗产 创意产业园 外围护墙体 再利用

[Abstract]:With the coming of China's industrial transformation and the rapid development of new urbanization process, the urban spatial structure is facing readjustment and layout. Because of its deposition of the history and cultural imprint of the industrial age, it has become a witness and heritage recording the urban development and the industrial age, and how to protect and utilize these industrial heritage effectively. At present, a popular trend is to transform these industrial heritage into creative industrial parks, this research is in such a premise, in such a transformation. The reutilization of outer retaining wall is deeply studied and explored, and the design strategy is put forward in combination with practical engineering. In this study, the theory of "darning" is cited in the course of the research on the reuse design of outer envelope wall. The concepts of homogeneity and heterogeneity are proposed. The corresponding strategies are put forward to provide theoretical support for the reuse of wall elements. This paper is based on the achievements and development of the transformation of industrial heritage into creative industry park at home and abroad. Based on the investigation and analysis of the typical cases of the transformation of domestic industrial heritage into creative industry park, this paper summarizes the practical problems of the wall protection outside the creative industry park after the transformation. The related factors in the reutilization of the outer enclosure wall are obtained, respectively, from the function form and the humanities social two aspects. Then the value of the external envelope wall reuse is summarized. This paper divides and analyzes the main elements of the outer envelope wall and the relationship between the reuse of the outer envelope wall, and puts forward the concepts of homogeneity and heterogeneity based on the theory of "darning". Under the guidance of renewal and reconstruction, this paper puts forward five strategies based on homogeneous utilization, homogenous partial demolition, heterogeneous replacement, heterogeneity increase and heterogeneity construction. The exterior wall, doors and windows, decorative materials, wall appendages and other elements of the external envelope wall are put forward. Finally, from the urban environment. The environment of the plant area and the interior environment of the building proceed with the integrated design of the outer enclosure wall, and through the example of the retrofit design of the second thermal power plant in Beijing, the transformation strategy and design method put forward above are verified and considered. The paper also summarizes the problems in the process of the transformation of the actual project, and studies the strategy of reusing the industrial heritage into the wall outside the creative industry park, hoping that it can be used in the process of reconstruction. It is not only conducive to the industrial and historical heritage of industrial buildings to be continued, but also in line with the environment and functional needs of creative production park. It also provides the help and reference for the reconstruction of other industrial heritage in the process of creative industry park.


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