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发布时间:2019-05-13 20:50
【摘要】: 人格是民事主体的法律资格,而人格权具有更大的活跃性,它保护所有与民事主体行为与精神活动的自由和完整性相关的利益,人格权的这种相对独立性决定了人格权法的独立。人格权作为一项重要的民事权利,之前对于人格权的理解往往限于人格权是一项非财产性的人身权利,在民法典制定的过程中,由于对人格权属性的不同理解,许多学者在如何在民法典中规定人格权问题上展开了较为激烈的争论。本文即是针对旧有民法理论对人格权基本认知存在的不足,提出人格权二元论。 人格权二元论是指人格权并不是一项单一性的权利,而是在权利性质、权利客体和权利特征上都具有二元性的权利。 本文第三章是对人格权二元论的展开论述。 首先,围绕人格权的权利性质进行了深入的讨论。由于人格权关注的是作为社会活动的人本身,因此并不是单一的法律对人格权进行规范。宪法和民法涵盖了人格权利的保护,宪法上的人格权主要是一种宣示性的权利保障,并主要防止公权力对人格权的侵害,民法上的人格权则是规范民事活动中私人领域对人格权的保障。二者并不冲突,人格权的宪法属性并不妨碍民法对人格权的详尽保护。 其次,主要讨论人格权不仅具备传统民法所界定的人格利益,即非财产利益,而且随着社会的发展和民法商法化的趋势已具备了一定的财产利益,这些财产利益突出表现在对商事人格权的出现上。 再次,从一般人格权理论出发,本文还提出一般人格权事实上蕴含着对人格权的概括保护原则,,而同时对于具体人格权,本文不赞成权利的泛化,强调具体人格权法定,从而形成人格权的概括保护与具体法定结合的特殊法律规制方式。 在阐述了人格权二元论的具体内容后,针对于人格权发展的特点,文章强调人格重于财产是民法发展的一个重要趋势,同时人格权在主体、客体和救济方式上不断得到扩张。 附件是对人格权立法和司法问题的收集和评论,立法方面主要是对现有民法草案中人格权的规定进行逐条评议,司法方面是按照不同人格权整理了较有影响的案例,以供进一步研究分类参考。
[Abstract]:Personality is the legal qualification of the civil subject, and the right of personality is more active, which protects all interests related to the freedom and integrity of the civil subject's behavior and spiritual activities. This relative independence of personality right determines the independence of personality law. As an important civil right, the previous understanding of personality right is often limited to the fact that personality right is a non-property personal right. In the process of formulating the civil code, due to the different understanding of the attribute of personality right, Many scholars have launched a heated debate on how to stipulate the right of personality in the civil code. In view of the shortcomings of the old civil law theory on the basic cognition of personality right, this paper puts forward the dualism of personality right. The dualism of personality right means that personality right is not a single right, but a dualistic right in the nature of right, the object of right and the characteristic of right. The third chapter of this paper is to discuss the dualism of personality right. First of all, the nature of the right of personality is discussed in depth. Because the right of personality is concerned with the person as a social activity, it is not a single law to regulate the right of personality. The Constitution and civil law cover the protection of personality rights, and the constitutional personality rights are mainly a declarative right guarantee, and mainly prevent the infringement of personality rights by public power. The right of personality in civil law is the guarantee of personality right in private field in civil activities. There is no conflict between the two, and the constitutional attribute of personality right does not hinder the detailed protection of personality right in civil law. Secondly, it mainly discusses that personality rights not only have personality interests, that is, non-property interests, as defined by traditional civil law, but also have certain property interests with the development of society and the trend of commercial law of civil law. These property interests are highlighted in the emergence of commercial personality rights. Thirdly, starting from the theory of general personality right, this paper also puts forward that the general personality right in fact contains the general protection principle of personality right, but at the same time, for the specific personality right, this paper does not approve of the generalization of the right and emphasizes the legality of the specific personality right. Thus forming the general protection of personality rights and specific legal combination of special legal regulation. After expounding the concrete content of the dualism of personality right, aiming at the characteristics of the development of personality right, this paper emphasizes that the emphasis of personality over property is an important trend in the development of civil law, and at the same time, the right of personality is constantly expanded in the subject, object and relief mode. The annex is the collection and comment on the legislation and judicial issues of personality rights. In the aspect of legislation, the provisions of personality rights in the existing draft civil law are mainly commented on article by article, and the judicial aspect collates more influential cases according to different personality rights. It can be used as a reference for further study of classification.


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