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发布时间:2018-05-13 12:13

  本文选题:城市化 + 原生态 ; 参考:《湖北美术学院》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Nowadays, with the progress of the society and the large-scale development and construction of the city, the development area of the city has been continuously expanded, and the expansion and spread of the city has made the whole city develop into a "reinforced concrete forest". Occupied the whole urban space and ecological structure of the main body. For example, the development and construction of the suburbs of today's cities have made some high-tech development zones, new industrial parks and factories erode the original ecological landscape, which has been well protected, and the area of natural ecology has also plummeted at a rate of rapid growth. The natural environment is also seriously separated, which has produced a series of ecological and environmental problems. Firstly, the paper defines the concept and connotation of the original ecological landscape and urbanization process, and summarizes the current research situation at home and abroad. Then according to the present situation, the paper puts forward the problems and contradictions between the urbanization process and the original ecological landscape, analyzes its causes and main characteristics, and demonstrates the value and importance of the original ecological landscape in the process of urbanization. As well as the necessity and feasibility of protecting the original ecological landscape. Finally, combining with an example, the author puts forward some feasible protective suggestions and design methods for the original ecological landscape in the process of urbanization. It is expected to play a guiding and practical value in the protection of the original ecological landscape.


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