
发布时间:2018-03-13 07:13

  本文选题:四足机器人 切入点:腿结构 出处:《山东大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:The research of running oriented quadruped robot has become one of the hotspots in recent years. The rigid quadruped robot has slow running speed. Motion stability and coordination are not enough. The flexible design of leg structure and spine of quadruped robot can improve its motion performance. In this paper, a bionic cheetah, a bionic cheetah, The flexible structure design and foot trajectory planning of running oriented quadruped robot are studied. The main contents are as follows: 1) based on the analysis of cheetah hind leg skeletal-muscle structure characteristics. By analyzing the structure of the cheetah's spine and the changes of the spine morphology during running, a leg structure with cushioning performance was designed. A flexible spine structure with simple structure and the ability to bend up and down is designed, and a cheetah quadruped robot with hydraulic cylinder as driving mechanism is designed. The four-legged robot has a cushioning leg structure and a flexible spine. The kinematics and dynamics of a cheetah quadruped robot are analyzed in detail. The expression of joint angle is derived. According to the form of hydraulic cylinder arrangement and the position relation between the hydraulic cylinder and the components, The functional relationship between the length of the hydraulic cylinder of the hip joint and the hydraulic cylinder length of the knee joint and the angle of the joint is obtained. Based on the analysis of the retraction and backswing of the cheetah's foot trajectory when it is running, the relationship between the length of the hydraulic cylinder of the hip and the angle of the joint is obtained. Two kinds of foot trajectory suitable for running are proposed: one is the improved elliptical trajectory, the other is the modified cycloidal trajectory. Based on the characteristics of bound gait motion, The functional expression of two foot trajectories is derived in detail. The designed two foot trajectories are applied to the cheetah quadruped robot in this paper, and the simulation results show that, The two kinds of foot trajectory can make the robot realize stable bound gait motion. Through comparison and analysis, the modified cycloidal foot trajectory is more suitable for running motion.


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