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发布时间:2019-03-27 12:02
【摘要】:随着网络技术的飞速发展以及芯片处理能力不断提升,用户对机顶盒使用需求越来越多,使用体验越来越高。机顶盒作为家用电器类,不同于实质上已成为快消品的手机,可以通过直接淘汰旧机另置新机的方式来满足用户需求,这时保留硬件而持续不断的升级软件的方式成为了机顶盒行业最方便最经济的选择。本文以四川金网通电子科技有限公司生产的基于海思Hi3716MV300主芯片的DVB+OTT机顶盒为硬件开发平台。软件开发平台为Linux 2.6操作系统,该系统为经过裁剪了一些机顶盒上不常用到的功能的版本。本文对机顶盒中常用的几种升级方式都做了详细的阐述,包括USB升级、TS流升级和网络升级的详细设计、实现及测试修改。本文的目标是在选定的硬件平台上将这三种机顶盒软件升级方式都设计并实现出来。USB升级方式是在开机时插入USB存储设备,开机时能检测到升级信息后进入loader开始USB升级;TS流升级方式是只要前端播放升级流,机顶盒无论是开机时还是开机后都能检测到升级信息,满足升级条件则进入loader进行OTA升级;网络升级方式是在机顶盒连接上网络后,主动去服务器上获取升级信息,检测到符合条件的升级信息后,进行网络升级。本文使用模块化设计方法,将研究的内容分为升级信息检测模块、数据下载模块、升级数据写入模块、升级安全保障模块和升级辅助模块。把各个模块都实现之后和整个机顶盒系统一起进行综合调试,确认软件满足设计要求后,将机顶盒投入市场,去接受市场和用户考验,根据市场反馈不断修正完善。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of network technology and the improvement of chip processing ability, users need more and more set-top boxes and experience more and more. Set-top box, as a kind of household appliances, is different from mobile phones, which have become fast consumables in essence, and can meet the needs of users by directly eliminating the old ones and installing new ones. This is the most convenient and economical choice for the set-top box industry to retain hardware and continuously upgrade the software in a way that has become the most convenient and economical choice for the STB industry. In this paper, the DVB OTT set-top box based on Hayes Hi3716MV300 main chip produced by Sichuan Jinnetong Electronic Technology Co., Ltd is used as the hardware development platform. The software development platform is Linux 2.6, which cuts down some of the features that are not commonly used on the set-top box. In this paper, several kinds of upgrading methods commonly used in STB are described in detail, including the detailed design, implementation and test modification of USB upgrade, TS stream upgrade and network upgrade. The goal of this paper is to design and implement the three upgrade methods of STB software on the selected hardware platform. The upgrade mode is to insert the USB storage device at the boot time, and then can detect the upgrade information and start the USB upgrade by entering the loader when the upgrade information is started. The upgrade mode of TS stream is that as long as the front end plays the upgrade stream, the set-top box can detect the upgrade information when it is turned on or after the start-up, and if the upgrade condition is satisfied, it will enter the loader for OTA upgrade; After the set-top box is connected to the network, the network upgrade mode is to actively go to the server to obtain the upgrade information, and detect the qualified upgrade information, then carry on the network upgrade. In this paper, the research contents are divided into upgrade information detection module, data download module, upgrade data write module, upgrade security module and upgrade auxiliary module by using modular design method. After each module is realized and the whole set-top box system is debugged, after confirming that the software meets the design requirements, the set-top box is put into the market to accept the test of the market and users, and the system is constantly revised and perfected according to the market feedback.


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