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发布时间:2018-01-08 07:05

  本文关键词:EPC项目绩效管理研究 出处:《浙江大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 绩效管理 EPC项目 绩效考核 协同

【摘要】:EPC是“设计、采购、施工”的英文缩写,即我们通常所说的工程总承包。EPC项目也就是通常所说的交钥匙工程,在EPC总承包模式下,业主只与总承包商签订工程总承包合同,把工程的设计、采购、施工和试运行服务工作全部委托给EPC总承包商负责组织实施,业主介入具体组织实施的程度较浅,只负责整体的、原则的、目标的管理和控制。 EPC已经越来越成为现在国际工程项目实施采用的总承包模式,EPC模式具有其自身的特点和优势。本文主要是考虑实施EPC项目中,EPC项目团队内部的绩效管理,以实现项目效益的最大化。 本文的创新点在于系统的研究了EPC总承包模式中如何实施系统的绩效管理,构建有效的EPC项目总承包绩效管理体系,涵盖各个公司、企业、团队和个人的利益,发挥绩效管理的激励作用。EPC项目涉及的利益方相对众多,强调在实现EPC项目团队绩效管理作用中的协同。将EPC项目下各利益方有效的形成一个整体,对提升EPC项目实施的绩效有很大的帮助。
[Abstract]:EPC is "design, procurement, construction" English abbreviation, turnkey project known as project.EPC general contracting project is commonly referred to as EPC, in the general contracting mode, only the owners of the signing of the contract with the general contractor, the engineering design, procurement, construction and commissioning services all the work entrusted to the EPC general contractor is responsible for organizing the implementation of the owners involved in specific organization and implementation of the shallow degree, is only responsible for the overall management and control, the principle of the target.
EPC has increasingly become the general contracting mode adopted in the implementation of international engineering projects. The EPC mode has its own characteristics and advantages. This paper is mainly concerned with implementing the performance management within the EPC project team in the EPC project, so as to maximize the efficiency of the project.
The system of how to implement the performance management system of EPC general contracting mode is the innovation of this paper, the EPC project general contracting performance management system, covering all the companies, enterprises, team and individual interests, play the.EPC project performance management incentives involving stakeholders relatively large, stressed in the implementation of collaborative EPC project team performance management in the EPC project. Under the various stakeholders to effectively form a whole, are of great help to improve the performance of the EPC projects.



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