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发布时间:2018-01-08 02:08

  本文关键词:南昌城市景观的地域性研究 出处:《江西农业大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 南昌 地域性 城市景观

[Abstract]:Nanchang is a famous historical and cultural city. As early as 3000 years ago, north to Aixi Lake, south to Qingyun spectrum, this arc formed the ancient Nanchang residents' gathering area. Located in the south of the Yangtze River, the land and water transportation is developed, and the situation is dangerous. Since ancient times, "three rivers and five lakes," Wang Bo used to use the word "outstanding people," four words to describe Nanchang, Diling refers to the natural elements of Nanchang landscape terrain, talent for scenic sites, historic streets. The combination of natural and humanistic elements, such as revolutionary relics, highlights the typical regional landscape features of Nanchang. Since the reform and development, the modernization process has been accelerated, and the Chinese city has taken on a new look. Economic and cultural integration is sweeping across the country. The development of urbanization in China has eroded the regional characteristics of architecture and landscape. Nanchang is gradually losing its original regional characteristics in the process of development. How to let Nanchang inherit and develop regional characteristics in urban construction and future planning. It is the main problem of modern landscape design. From the analysis of the regional characteristics of the city, combined with architectural design, urban planning, environmental psychology and a series of related disciplines. Summed up the urban landscape elements and regional characteristics of Nanchang, and through literature collection and field visits, excavated the connotation of urban landscape characteristics of Nanchang. Put forward the use of regional design to solve the problem of modern landscape and urban landscape characteristics. After the field investigation of Nanchang, through the analysis of relevant theories and cases. This paper summarizes the regional design principles of Nanchang urban landscape characteristics and the specific urban landscape regional construction and promotion strategies in order to provide some reference for urban landscape designers in the future urban construction.


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