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发布时间:2018-01-09 20:29

  本文关键词:电能采控系统的设计及其在配电线损管理中的应用 出处:《华北电力大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 电能采控 配网线损率 在线监测 线损管理

[Abstract]:According to the overall development goal of smart grid construction in China, it is imperative to realize the intelligent acquisition and management of power information, which is of great significance to the overall construction of strong smart grid, and the construction of distribution network production management system. Distribution network management system, which integrates distribution network production scheduling management system and distribution line patrol mobile job management system, realizes comprehensive coverage of information, high level of sharing, dynamic updating and intelligent management. It is the core of distribution management. Therefore, it is of great significance for the design and implementation of distribution network production management system. The functions of power recovery and control system include: user power information collection, real-time monitoring of power information. Measurement equipment or line abnormal monitoring, power quality monitoring, power analysis, line loss management and load management, the system is a large-scale power side information collection and control system. It is also the main trend of marketing management. This paper introduces the design of electric power mining and control system in Hohhot Power supply Bureau, and studies the problem of incomplete data caused by communication or terminal failure. And find the solution to ensure the integrity of the data. At the same time combined with the Huhhot Power supply Bureau distribution network loss management actual situation. The use of the system solves the real-time monitoring and data acquisition of the user's power consumption information, which makes the power system buy and send electricity. A series of power marketing control for power outage has been well solved, but also for the power system to improve load monitoring. The line loss management level provides a good technical support and guarantee. The system conforms to the direction and requirements of the modernization of power marketing information of Inner Mongolia Electric Power (Group) Co., Ltd. It is advanced and practical. Satisfactory results have been obtained in practical operation, and the application prospect is very broad.


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