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发布时间:2018-06-01 09:01

  本文选题:赣州 + 茶制品 ; 参考:《南方农业学报》2017年05期

【摘要】:【目的】分析赣州市茶制品市场的消费者行为,并提出营销对策,为该地区茶产业的结构调整及升级转型提供理论依据。【方法】基于计划行为理论(Theory of planned behavior,TPB)分析消费者行为影响因素,通过问卷调查得到赣州茶制品消费者相关数据,运用回归模型对消费者的消费意愿、消费行为及其相关性进行实证分析。【结果】消费意愿和消费行为受消费者人口统计学特征、消费动机、茶制品认知、产品要素、参照群体、企业营销等因素不同程度的影响;消费意愿与消费行为存在极显著正相关(P0.01)。TPB模型对赣州消费者茶制品消费行为具有很好的解释力。【建议】组合多种营销方式,提升市场扩散效果;打造企业形象名片,提升企业内在竞争力;普及茶制品知识,提高消费者认知;完善茶制品信息,提高消费者认可度;畅通有效信息渠道,赢得消费者口碑;购买渠道多样化,培育"互联网+"。
[Abstract]:[Objective] to analyze the consumer behavior of the tea products market in Ganzhou, and to provide the marketing countermeasures to provide theoretical basis for the restructuring and upgrading of the tea industry in this region. [Methods] Based on the Theory of planned behavior (TPB), the factors of consumer behavior are analyzed and the tea products in Ganzhou are eliminated by questionnaire. A regression model is used to make an empirical analysis of consumer's willingness to consume, consumer behavior and its relevance. [results] consumption will and consumption behavior are influenced by the demographic characteristics of consumers, consumption motivation, tea product cognition, product elements, reference groups, business marketing and other factors; consumption will and There is a very significant positive correlation (P0.01).TPB model of consumer behavior (P0.01) has a good explanatory power for consumer behavior of consumer tea products. [suggest] combine various marketing methods to improve the effect of market diffusion; build enterprise image card to enhance the internal competitiveness of enterprises; popularize the knowledge of tea products, improve consumer cognition and improve the information of tea products, To improve consumer acceptance; open and effective channels of information, to win consumer word-of-mouth; purchase channel diversification, cultivate "Internet plus".
【作者单位】: 赣南师范大学地理与规划学院;


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